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Wednesday, April 9, 2008


Admit it, we all have clothes with pit stains. There isn’t a person on earth that A) doesn’t wear white and B) doesn’t sweat. Some of us can’t bear to part with our favorite shirts so we still wear them, all gross and nasty. Others get rid of them or bury them deep in their closets.

Believe it or not, I’ve found a solution!! To wash clothes here we use powdered detergent along with a bar or soap. Don’t be fooled, this is much more than a bar of soap, it is magical. A little water, a little soap, a scrub scrub scrub, and….. POOF! No more pit stains!

You don’t believe me do you? Well check out this photo. On the left side we have a nicely stained pit. On the right, at one point we did as well but after a little bit of elbow grease it washed right out. Need I say more? I'll be taking orders for the magic soap for those interested.

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