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Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Out in the Campo with the Artisians

The Artisans were presented with the opportunity to work with an organization called FONCODES. They’re talking about doing a project to help them find new markets and to teach them how to use sewing machines that they have but don’t know how to use. In order to be approved for the project, we needed to get names and signatures from at least 65 artisans from the surrounding communiites. I went with my counterpart and a lady from FONCODES to two different small towns near by to present the project and to see if there was interest from the different groups.

Everyone that was interested had to sign a paper with their names, DNI (equiv of Social Security Number), their age and their birthdate. It was reallly interesting to see that a handful of them didn't know their DNI and even more didn't remember their birthday. What was even stranger, is about a 1/3 of them, when they told their ages, they didn't match up with their year of birth. I honnestly think they didn't know how old they were or maybe what year they were born. I don't think they were lying to say they were younger.

All in all, this was a great opportunity for me to get out in the cassarios to meet some of the other artisians and see their workshops. It was really in the middle of no where and there were some great views of the green mountains. Unfortunately i only got to snap fotos from the moving car so their not that great.

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