and a new phone number: 011-51-76-976-93-7857

Thursday, April 10, 2008

damn dogs

i almost got eaten by a dog while i was running today. i kicked him in his head twice before his owner came over to rescue me. didn't let it stop me though, i actually kicked hiim in stride, turned around and kept going. that thing was massive.

other than that and the fact i almost got hit by a motorcycle and almost fell trying to dodge it..... today was the best run i've had so far at site.

mountain lungs make you tough. my hemoglobin level is so high by now that when i go to t he coast (aka sea level) i don't even bother running - it would be too easy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Enjoyed seeing your blog.

We used to live in Peru and just miss it so much!

Remember sometimes looking like you will throw a rock at the dog will make them run. I used to carry a few rocks in my hand or pocket to throw at the dang things!

Best of luck!