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Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Christmas Time

Not going to write much her other than the fact that this week is been incredibly sad and depressing. This was my first time not with my family for the holidays and the traditions here are completely different (basically they really just don’t do much at all) so I spent a number of days this week breaking down and crying.

On Sunday I went to the market and on my walk home I burst out crying, hoping I could hide it under my sunglasses. When I finally got home I went to my room to be alone. Afterwards, I made Kraft Mac for lunch and cooked a whole batch of brownies for myself. (OK, so I shared them with a friend later, but definitely hid them from my family). That night I went to my friend’s house where we watched a really bad Christmas movie (starring Arnold Schwarzenegger) ate popcorn and drank Mojitos. Can you tell that food is where I look to for comfort??

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